Monday, 16 April 2012

Thanks Sheila. Why didn't that occur to me?

My mum would have been 83 today had she lived. Sadly she passed away on 3rd of February 2011. I miss her in lots of ways. She was an incredible influence on my life. She was a great woman.

For fast approaching 3 years I have been unable to get a job. The list of things that have happened in that period of time would make a pretty gritty melodrama and/or possibly a classic 6 part situation comedy. One day these misadventures will be catalogued, and the rights bought by Stephen Spielberg.  In my mind's eye, I have Ewan McGregor playing me as a stylised Scottish dude from Falkirk.  In reality it's as likely to be the guy who played Benny on Crossroads.  Spielberg tends to avoid the "star" system. It generally works.

So on this extremely significant day I am launching a very public campaign to get proper employment.

To quote Alan Bleasedale's immortal words Gizza Job.

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